Monday, December 10, 2018

土耳其之旅 - 恰纳卡莱 Turkey Trip - Canakkale (15 Nov 2018)

恰纳卡莱 - 特洛伊古城
Canakkale: a city and seaport on the southern coast of the Dardanelles narrowest point. 
Ancient City of Troy: Greek and Trojan heroes fought for the "Trojan War" for the honour of the beautiful Helen, who known as "the face that launched a thousand ship". 

很多时代的特洛伊,一层叠一层的在这里建造城市。好像是因为一个商人的盗墓吗?没有被很好的考古出来。 看到的就是很多石头堆

靠近海边的特洛伊木马 - 电影里用的木马

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