Tuesday, September 30, 2008


After taking bath, feels hungry, oh.. Its almost 12 noon.
I'm thinking what should I eat for my brunch?? (always think of what should eat... feel hungry all the time...)
Suddenly, I'm think of 'Taiwan Yes'....
Ya, I can 'da bao' (take away) and if I cant finish it, I can take it as my dinner.

Then I just walked there and bought it.
There is an uncle selling Korea Kim Bab김밥 in front AC. It looks like Japan Sushi. So I just bought and tried it.

Then, I watch 'The Secret' (Ms. Ho bought it).
Its talk about The Law of Attraction!?
Actually I'm not really understand it, but will try to...
Here are some meaningful sentences (phrases):
1. Thoughts become things
2. Ask, Believe, Recieve
3. Gratitude
4. Visualize
5. Man becomes what he thinks about.
6. Whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right._____ Henry Jard
and many....

Tomorrow I'll be back to Butterworth lo!!!


ineffable_ice said...

hey u currently in b'worth d?
no good la u...din ask me out..haha

en1989 said...

i back kl lo~~~